
Benefits of Taking an IEP Special Education

IEPs are educational plans for children based on their specific needs and strengths. Regardless of their flaws, most students can benefit from an educational strategy focusing on their strengths and abilities. The following are some benefits of enrolling in an IEP special education Edison NJ.

Teachers Can Create Choice

IEPs are a document that sets forth a child’s educational needs. These documents typically address a child’s academic, social and functional requirements. Additionally, they may address a child’s visual or communication impairments. In addition, IEPs often address a child’s behavior. Therefore, teachers, parents, and other key personnel should be trained on the child’s needs.

One way to ensure an IEP meets the requirements for choice is to talk to the student about the upcoming meeting. Discuss what your child looks forward to and ask about their school. 

Rooted in a Deficit-based Framework

When considering IEPs, school leaders must question assumptions made about disability and inclusion. Everyone on an IEP team brings personal and professional experiences that can influence how they respond to students with disabilities. For example, how students with special needs communicate with their teachers can be affected by how each team member perceives disability and inclusion.

An IEP rooted in a strengths-based framework acknowledges the strengths of every student and encourages parents and educators to emphasize those. It also recognizes that all students have strengths, and the adult who points these out increases students’ motivation. Likewise, a student not acquiring a skill does not reflect a deficiency; rather, it indicates a lack of opportunity, experience, or instruction

Focus on Limitations And Labels

The IEP begins with an evaluation of the child. This initial evaluation must include a statement of the child’s current educational performance. The information in this section is usually gathered through classroom assessments or individual tests administered during an initial evaluation or reevaluation. It also includes information regarding how the disability is affecting the child’s progress in the general curriculum. Finally, the IEP is a document that details the student’s goals and how those goals will be achieved.

The IEP should be a collaborative effort between all parties involved with the child.  It is the guide for delivering special education services and must be written by a team of professionals. IEPs should also include the student’s goals and other pertinent information regarding their disabilities.

Maximize Strengths And Competencies

One of the essential components of IEPs for children with disabilities is to include an inventory of a student’s strengths, interests, and preferences. This information helps the IEP team make the most informed decisions possible for a child’s educational progress. A student’s strengths and interests can help differentiate learning content and process, which can help generalize and transfer learning. Moreover, student-centered language can help the IEP team develop the best approach for a student.

Federal law requires that the educational placement of a student reflect their LRE. Ideally, students with disabilities should be included in regular education classes and attend the school nearest to/her home. A child should be placed in a special education classroom in sporadic cases. Placement in a particular type should be limited to situations where a child’s educational needs cannot be met in traditional settings.

Provide Progress Reports

IEP progress reports must be provided to parents for review. The information will describe the student’s progress and any adjustments to help them reach their goals. Parents should also be informed about any regress in progress as soon as possible. The report will also help the IEP committee determine if any modifications need to be made. The information included in the account must be written in a clear, objective, and measurable language. If a student is not making progress as predicted, it may prompt the committee to review or revise the child’s IEP.

The IEP must include a statement of progress monitoring and reporting. Most will indicate quarterly or with marking period reports. However, many parents don’t know they can request more frequent progress reports.